The Elephant In The Room

World War III is inevitable? After two years of Ukranian conflict, European citizens try to pretend that we still live in a non beligerant continent  and that everything is under control. In a couple weeks  summer will arrive in this part of the Earth and many people will go on vacation. But something is in the air, something that worries me a lot, and I believe that all of us know what it is.

By Sebastian Bustos Gomez

Middle spring in Spain. Days are getting warmer and longer. Here in Galicia cities begin to welcome waves of thausands of turists, mostly of them either North Europeans or Americans. The terraces in bars and restaurants are crowded with people enjoing cañas and tapas. Everything seems to be normal, and yet the newspaper shows Putin in a powerfull victory mood, after won the presidentials in Russia for the 5th time, taking over for six more years

NATO is in the middle of «Steadfast Defender» the bigger military exercises since WWII . War on the Rocks

Another part of the International section talks about how Germany is about to reistore Military Service by law. A couple wees ago Macron, the french president,said that he would probably «Have to send the guys to Odessa», one of the main cities in Ukraine and the only one bigger enough and strategicaly important to cut the rail way and the land corridor to Transnitria, one of the biggets Moscu objetives together with the Kaliningrad one. Rishi Sunak, the British PM, accused Russia of being the main responsable for a hypothetical nuclear escalation.

Rishi Sunak and Macron have intensified their warlike postures against Russia in the last months. The Independent /

Donald Trump, absolute favourite for the Presidentials in the US has declared that he is willing to leave Europe and their NATO allies alone if they don´t aling to the military spending percentage established by the alliance. In Poland, prime minister Tusk is already adressing the polish society to be prepared for a war against Russia. Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia agree on this political stance. The East would face the confrontation with no hesitation if the time comes. Meanwhile, Germany tries to close ranks between both sides. People in Europe continue with their lives, but deep in our conscience a feeling goes in crescendo:  is coming another Great War?

Donald Trump, in the past shaking hands with Putin. Donald Tusk, nowadays, shaking hands with Macron and Scholz. Two different postures. PBS / Politico. EU

I close the Newspaper, finish my coffe and go home. Time goes slow like a sandglass and sometimes I feel tired of witnessing historical moments. But well, everything is fine for now I guess….

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